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Luke's GNU/Linux Rice
There are my dotfiles! The name of the repo, "voidrice", came from the fact they were originally on my Void Linux machine, but these files are distro-independent. In fact, I now push changes from my X200 running Parabola or my X220 running Arch.
Programs whose configs can be found here
- i3 (i3-gaps)
- urxvt (rxvt-unicode) (although these files us my st build as the default terminal)
- vim
- bash
- ranger
- qutebrowser
- mutt/msmtp/offlineimap (For offline syncing of email, with configs easy to change to a gmail account)
- calcurse
- ncmpcpp and mpd (my main music player)
- Music on Console (moc and mocp as an alternative music player)
- mpv
- neofetch
- compton (For transparency and to stop screen tearing)
- And many little scripts I use
More documentation
Check other config folders for more specific documentation. For example [config contains documentation on how to set up mutt with your email account.
Dynamic Configuration Files
Store your favorite or high-traffic folders in ~/.config/Scripts/folders
or your most important config files in ~/.config/Scripts/configs
with keyboard shortcuts. When you add things to theses files my vimrc will automatically run ~/.config/Scripts/shortcuts.sh
which will dynamically generate shortcuts for these in bash, ranger and qutebrowser!
Check out more info at the main repo for this: shortcut-sync. You will really want to take advantage of this for an extremely efficient setup!
Like my rice?
Feel free to add other suggestions and I may implement them.
I have a job, but every penny I get from followers or subscribers is more incentive to perfect what I'm doing. You can donate to me at https://paypal.me/LukeMSmith. Donations are earmarked for whatever the donator wants, usually to go to funds for buying new equipment for the YouTube channel.
Programs Used
- i3-gaps, NetworkManager,compton
- Terminal apps -- ranger, ncmpcpp, mpd, htop, weechat, neomutt, calcurse, newsbeuter, transmission-remote-cli, w3m, youtube-dl, ffmpeg, scrot
- Background stuff -- mpd, transmission
- Lightweight non-terminal apps -- mupdf, feh, rofi, network manager applet, arandr, mpv
- Big business programs -- qutebrowser, GIMP, Blender