Merge branch 'patch-1' of into Secondarian-patch-1
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 40 additions and 12 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,29 @@
secs=600 # Download a new doppler radar if one hasn't been downloaded in $secs seconds.
pickger() { chosenger="$(echo "BAW: Baden-Württemberg
BAY: Bavaria
BBB: Berlin
BBB: Brandenburg
HES: Hesse
MVP: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
NIB: Lower Saxony
NIB: Bremen
NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia
RPS: Rhineland-Palatinate
RPS: Saarland
SAC: Saxony
SAA: Saxony-Anhalt
SHH: Schleswig-Holstein
SHH: Hamburg
THU: Thuringia" | dmenu -r -i -l 50 -p "Select a radar to use as default:" | sed "s/:.*//" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
# Secondary sanity check of selection and ensure user did not escape for Germany.
echo "$chosenger" | grep -q "[a-z]" && echo "$chosenger" > "$radarger" ;}
pickloc() { chosen="$(echo "US: Northeast
US: Southeast
US: PacNorthWest
@ -229,20 +250,27 @@ continentcode=$(echo "$chosen" | sed "s/:.*//")
radarcode=$(echo "$chosen" | sed "s/..: // ; s/:.*//")
# Sanity check of selection and ensure user did not escape.
echo "$radarcode" | grep -q "^[A-Z]\+$" && printf "%s,%s\\n" "$continentcode" "$radarcode" > "$radarloc" ;}
echo "$radarcode" | grep -q "^[A-Z]\+$" && printf "%s,%s\\n" "$continentcode" "$radarcode" > "$radarloc"
getdoppler() {
cont="$(sed "s/,.*//" "$radarloc")"
# Prompts for choosing region if in Germany.
case $(cut -c 4- "$radarloc") in
DE) pickger ;;
*) ;;
esac ;}
getdoppler() { cont="$(sed "s/,.*//" "$radarloc")"
loc="$(cut -c 4- "$radarloc")"
notify-send "🌦️ Doppler RADAR" "Pulling most recent Doppler RADAR for $loc."
if [ "$cont" = "US" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}_loop.gif" > "$doppler" ;
elif [ "$cont" = "EU" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}/rainTMC/2/" > "$doppler" ;
elif [ "$cont" = "AF" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}/rain/2/" > "$doppler" ;
notify-send "🌦️ Doppler RADAR" "Pulling most recent Doppler RADAR for $loc"
case $cont in
US) curl -sL "${loc}_loop.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
EU) case $loc in
DE) [ ! -f "$radarger" ] && pickger
ger="$(cat "$radarger")"
curl -sL "${ger}_akt.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
*) curl -sL "${loc}/rainTMC/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
esac ;;
AF) curl -sL "${loc}/rain/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
esac ;}
showdoppler() { setsid -f mpv --no-osc --loop=inf --no-terminal "$doppler" ;}
Add table
Reference in a new issue