Regions for Germany
This lets you choose regions for Germany and get radar gifs from the national weather service instead of Sat24 which are way higher quality.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 40 additions and 12 deletions
@ -4,8 +4,29 @@
secs=600 # Download a new doppler radar if one hasn't been downloaded in $secs seconds.
pickger() { chosenger="$(echo "BAW: Baden-Württemberg
BAY: Bavaria
BBB: Berlin
BBB: Brandenburg
HES: Hesse
MVP: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
NIB: Lower Saxony
NIB: Bremen
NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia
RPS: Rhineland-Palatinate
RPS: Saarland
SAC: Saxony
SAA: Saxony-Anhalt
SHH: Schleswig-Holstein
SHH: Hamburg
THU: Thuringia" | dmenu -r -i -l 50 -p "Select a radar to use as default:" | sed "s/:.*//" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
# Secondary sanity check of selection and ensure user did not escape for Germany.
echo "$chosenger" | grep -q "[a-z]" && echo "$chosenger" > "$radarger" ;}
pickloc() { chosen="$(echo "US: Northeast
US: Southeast
US: PacNorthWest
@ -229,20 +250,27 @@ continentcode=$(echo "$chosen" | sed "s/:.*//")
radarcode=$(echo "$chosen" | sed "s/..: // ; s/:.*//")
# Sanity check of selection and ensure user did not escape.
echo "$radarcode" | grep -q "^[A-Z]\+$" && printf "%s,%s\\n" "$continentcode" "$radarcode" > "$radarloc" ;}
echo "$radarcode" | grep -q "^[A-Z]\+$" && printf "%s,%s\\n" "$continentcode" "$radarcode" > "$radarloc"
getdoppler() {
cont="$(sed "s/,.*//" "$radarloc")"
# Prompts for choosing region if in Germany.
case $(cut -c 4- "$radarloc") in
DE) pickger ;;
*) ;;
esac ;}
getdoppler() { cont="$(sed "s/,.*//" "$radarloc")"
loc="$(cut -c 4- "$radarloc")"
notify-send "🌦️ Doppler RADAR" "Pulling most recent Doppler RADAR for $loc."
if [ "$cont" = "US" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}_loop.gif" > "$doppler" ;
elif [ "$cont" = "EU" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}/rainTMC/2/" > "$doppler" ;
elif [ "$cont" = "AF" ] ; then
curl -sL "${loc}/rain/2/" > "$doppler" ;
notify-send "🌦️ Doppler RADAR" "Pulling most recent Doppler RADAR for $loc"
case $cont in
US) curl -sL "${loc}_loop.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
EU) case $loc in
DE) [ ! -f "$radarger" ] && pickger
ger="$(cat "$radarger")"
curl -sL "${ger}_akt.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
*) curl -sL "${loc}/rainTMC/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
esac ;;
AF) curl -sL "${loc}/rain/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
esac ;}
showdoppler() { setsid -f mpv --no-osc --loop=inf --no-terminal "$doppler" ;}
Add table
Reference in a new issue