This is a collection of tools I am using on my M1 Macbook Pro. Some of it is still a work in progress.
I am using the Yabai tiling window manager to replicate the setup i have on my Linux machines, Alacritty as my terminal emulator, Powerlever10k as zsh theme and more.
Still, id first start with the changes i made in the system setting to remove most of the annoying and/or useless macOS features.
I use RayCast as an app launcher, although it can do way more things than just launch your apps, and if you're interested you can check the enormous amount of community plugins available.
Download and install [RayCast](, follo the tutorial if necessary.\
A package manager for MacOS. Does what it's supposed to do, and you basically have no alterative.\
Can be installed as a RayCast plugin and used by opening RayCast and typing **brew**, but personally i find myself using it from the terminal almost always.