1256 lines
42 KiB
1256 lines
42 KiB
" Initialization
" Tweak key settings. If the key is set using 'expr-quote' (h: expr-quote), then
" there's nothing that we need to do. If it's set using raw strings, then we
" need to convert it. We need to resort to such voodoo exec magic here to get
" it to work the way we like. '<C-n>' is converted to '\<C-n>' by the end and
" the global vars are replaced by their new value. This is ok since the mapping
" using '<C-n>' should already have completed in the plugin file.
for s:key in [ 'g:multi_cursor_next_key',
\ 'g:multi_cursor_prev_key',
\ 'g:multi_cursor_skip_key',
\ 'g:multi_cursor_quit_key' ]
if exists(s:key)
" Translate raw strings like "<C-n>" into key code like "\<C-n>"
exec 'let s:temp = '.s:key
if s:temp =~ '^<.*>$'
exec 'let '.s:key.' = "\'.s:temp.'"'
" If the user didn't define it, initialize it to an empty string so the
" logic later don't break
exec 'let '.s:key.' = ""'
unlet! s:key s:temp
" These keys will not be replicated at every cursor location. Make sure that
" this assignment happens AFTER the key tweak setting above
let s:special_keys = {
\ 'v': [ g:multi_cursor_next_key, g:multi_cursor_prev_key, g:multi_cursor_skip_key ],
\ 'n': [ g:multi_cursor_next_key ],
\ }
" The highlight group we use for all the cursors
let s:hi_group_cursor = 'multiple_cursors_cursor'
" The highlight group we use for all the visual selection
let s:hi_group_visual = 'multiple_cursors_visual'
" Used for preventing multiple calls on before function
let s:before_function_called = 0
" Used for searching whole words (search pattern is wrapped with \< and \>)
" Keep old behaviour by default (act like g*)
let s:use_word_boundary = 1
" Set up highlighting
if !hlexists(s:hi_group_cursor)
exec "highlight ".s:hi_group_cursor." term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse"
if !hlexists(s:hi_group_visual)
exec "highlight link ".s:hi_group_visual." Visual"
" Temporary buffer that is used for individual paste buffer save/restore
" operations
let s:paste_buffer_temporary_text = ''
let s:paste_buffer_temporary_type = ''
" Internal Mappings
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-input) <C-o>:call <SID>process_user_input()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-input) :call <SID>process_user_input()<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-input) :<C-u>call <SID>process_user_input()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply) <C-o>:call <SID>apply_user_input_next('i')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply) :call <SID>apply_user_input_next('n')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply) :<C-u>call <SID>apply_user_input_next('v')<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-detect) <C-o>:call <SID>detect_bad_input()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-detect) :call <SID>detect_bad_input()<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-detect) :<C-u>call <SID>detect_bad_input()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-wait) <C-o>:call <SID>wait_for_user_input('')<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-wait) :call <SID>wait_for_user_input('')<CR>
xnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-wait) :<C-u>call <SID>wait_for_user_input('')<CR>
" Note that although these mappings are seemingly triggerd from Visual mode,
" they are in fact triggered from Normal mode. We quit visual mode to allow the
" virtual highlighting to take over
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-prev) :<C-u>call multiple_cursors#prev()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-skip) :<C-u>call multiple_cursors#skip()<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-new) :<C-u>call multiple_cursors#new('v', 0)<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(multiple-cursors-new-word) :<C-u>call multiple_cursors#new('v', 1)<CR>
" Public Functions
" Print some debugging info
function! multiple_cursors#debug()
call s:cm.debug()
function! multiple_cursors#get_latency_debug_file()
return s:latency_debug_file
function! s:fire_pre_triggers()
if !s:before_function_called
doautocmd User MultipleCursorsPre
if exists('*Multiple_cursors_before')
exe "call Multiple_cursors_before()"
let s:before_function_called = 1
" Creates a new cursor. Different logic applies depending on the mode the user
" is in and the current state of the buffer.
" 1. In normal mode, a new cursor is created at the end of the word under Vim's
" normal cursor
" 2. In visual mode, if the visual selection covers more than one line, a new
" cursor is created at the beginning of each line
" 3. In visual mode, if the visual selection covers a single line, a new cursor
" is created at the end of the visual selection. Another cursor will be
" attempted to be created at the next occurrence of the visual selection
function! multiple_cursors#new(mode, word_boundary)
" Call before function if exists only once until it is canceled (<Esc>)
call s:fire_pre_triggers()
let s:use_word_boundary = a:word_boundary
if a:mode ==# 'n'
" Reset all existing cursors, don't restore view and setting
call s:cm.reset(0, 0)
" Select the word under cursor to set the '< and '> marks
exec "normal! viw"
call s:exit_visual_mode()
" Add cursor with the current visual selection
call s:cm.add(s:pos("'>"), s:region("'<", "'>"))
call s:wait_for_user_input('v')
elseif a:mode ==# 'v'
" If the visual area covers the same line, then do a search for next
" occurrence
let start = line("'<")
let finish = line("'>")
if start != finish
call s:cm.reset(0, 0)
let col = col("'<")
for line in range(line("'<"), line("'>"))
let pos = [line, col]
call s:cm.add(pos)
" Start in normal mode
call s:wait_for_user_input('n')
" Came directly from visual mode
if s:cm.is_empty()
call s:cm.reset(0, 0)
if visualmode() ==# 'V'
let left = [line('.'), 1]
let right = [line('.'), col('$')-1]
if right[1] == 0 " empty line
call s:cm.add(right, [left, right])
call s:cm.add(s:pos("'>"), s:region("'<", "'>"))
let content = s:get_text(s:region("'<", "'>"))
let next = s:find_next(content)
if s:cm.add(next[1], next)
call s:update_visual_markers(next)
call cursor(s:cm.get_current().position)
echohl WarningMsg | echo 'No more matches' | echohl None
call s:wait_for_user_input('v')
" Quit out of multicursor mode, fixes #27.
function! multiple_cursors#quit()
call s:exit()
" Delete the current cursor. If there's no more cursors, stop the loop
function! multiple_cursors#prev()
call s:cm.delete_current()
if !s:cm.is_empty()
call s:update_visual_markers(s:cm.get_current().visual)
call cursor(s:cm.get_current().position)
call s:wait_for_user_input('v')
" Skip the current cursor and move to the next cursor
function! multiple_cursors#skip()
call s:cm.delete_current()
let content = s:get_text(s:region("'<", "'>"))
let next = s:find_next(content)
call s:cm.add(next[1], next)
call s:update_visual_markers(next)
call s:wait_for_user_input('v')
" Search for pattern between the start and end line number. For each match, add
" a virtual cursor at the end and start multicursor mode
" This function is called from a command. User commands in Vim do not support
" passing in column ranges. If the user selects a block of text in visual mode,
" but not visual line mode, we only want to match patterns within the actual
" visual selection. We get around this by checking the last visual selection and
" see if its start and end lines match the input. If so, we assume that the user
" did a normal visual selection and we use the '< and '> marks to define the
" region instead of start and end from the method parameter.
function! multiple_cursors#find(start, end, pattern)
let s:cm.saved_winview = winsaveview()
let s:cm.start_from_find = 1
if visualmode() ==# 'v' && a:start == line("'<") && a:end == line("'>")
let pos1 = s:pos("'<")
let pos2 = s:pos("'>")
let pos1 = [a:start, 1]
let pos2 = [a:end, col([a:end, '$'])]
call cursor(pos1)
let first = 1
while 1
if first
" Set `virtualedit` to 'onemore' for the first search to consistently
" match patterns like '$'
let saved_virtualedit = &virtualedit
let &virtualedit = "onemore"
" First search starts from the current position
let match = search(a:pattern, 'cW')
let match = search(a:pattern, 'W')
if !match
let left = s:pos('.')
" Perform an intermediate backward search to correctly match patterns like
" '^' and '$'
let match = search(a:pattern, 'bceW')
let right = s:pos('.')
" Reset the cursor and perform a normal search if the intermediate search
" wasn't successful
if !match || s:compare_pos(right, left) != 0
call cursor(left)
call search(a:pattern, 'ceW')
let right = s:pos('.')
if first
let &virtualedit = saved_virtualedit
let first = 0
if s:compare_pos(right, pos2) > 0
" Position the cursor at the end of the previous match so it'll be on a
" virtual cursor when multicursor mode is started. The `winrestview()`
" call below 'undoes' unnecessary repositionings
call search(a:pattern, 'be')
call s:cm.add(right, [left, right])
" Redraw here forces the cursor movement to be updated. This prevents the
" jerky behavior when doing any action once the cursors are added. But it
" also slows down adding the cursors dramatically. We need to a better
" solution here
" redraw
if s:cm.is_empty()
call winrestview(s:cm.saved_winview)
echohl ErrorMsg | echo 'No match found' | echohl None
echohl Normal | echo 'Added '.s:cm.size().' cursor'.(s:cm.size()>1?'s':'') | echohl None
" If we've created any cursors, we need to call the before function, end
" function will be called via normal routes
call s:fire_pre_triggers()
call s:wait_for_user_input('v')
" Cursor class
let s:Cursor = {}
" Create a new cursor. Highlight it and save the current line length
function! s:Cursor.new(position)
let obj = copy(self)
let obj.position = copy(a:position)
let obj.visual = []
let obj.saved_visual = []
" Stores text that was yanked after any commands in Normal or Visual mode
let obj.paste_buffer_text = getreg('"')
let obj.paste_buffer_type = getregtype('"')
let obj.cursor_hi_id = s:highlight_cursor(a:position)
let obj.visual_hi_id = 0
let obj.line_length = col([a:position[0], '$'])
if has('folding')
silent! execute a:position[0] . "foldopen!"
return obj
" Return the line the cursor is on
function! s:Cursor.line() dict
return self.position[0]
" Return the column the cursor is on
function! s:Cursor.column() dict
return self.position[1]
" Move the cursor location by the number of lines and columns specified in the
" input. The input can be negative.
function! s:Cursor.move(line, column) dict
let self.position[0] += a:line
let self.position[1] += a:column
if !empty(self.visual)
let self.visual[0][0] += a:line
let self.visual[0][1] += a:column
let self.visual[1][0] += a:line
let self.visual[1][1] += a:column
call self.update_highlight()
" Update the current position of the cursor
function! s:Cursor.update_position(pos) dict
let self.position[0] = a:pos[0]
let self.position[1] = a:pos[1]
call self.update_highlight()
" Reapply the highlight on the cursor
function! s:Cursor.update_highlight() dict
call s:cm.remove_highlight(self.cursor_hi_id)
let self.cursor_hi_id = s:highlight_cursor(self.position)
" Refresh the length of the line the cursor is on. This could change from
" underneath
function! s:Cursor.update_line_length() dict
let self.line_length = col([self.line(), '$'])
" Update the visual selection and its highlight
function! s:Cursor.update_visual_selection(region) dict
let self.visual = deepcopy(a:region)
call s:cm.remove_highlight(self.visual_hi_id)
let self.visual_hi_id = s:highlight_region(a:region)
" Remove the visual selection and its highlight
function! s:Cursor.remove_visual_selection() dict
let self.saved_visual = deepcopy(self.visual)
let self.visual = []
" TODO(terryma): Move functionality into separate class
call s:cm.remove_highlight(self.visual_hi_id)
let self.visual_hi_id = 0
" Restore unnamed register from paste buffer
function! s:Cursor.restore_unnamed_register() dict
call setreg('"', self.paste_buffer_text, self.paste_buffer_type)
" Save contents of the unnamed register into paste buffer
function! s:Cursor.save_unnamed_register() dict
let self.paste_buffer_text = getreg('"')
let self.paste_buffer_type = getregtype('"')
" CursorManager class
let s:CursorManager = {}
" Constructor
function! s:CursorManager.new()
let obj = copy(self)
" List of Cursors we're managing
let obj.cursors = []
" Current index into the s:cursors array
let obj.current_index = -1
" This marks the starting cursor index into the s:cursors array
let obj.starting_index = -1
" We save some user settings when the plugin loads initially
let obj.saved_settings = {
\ 'virtualedit': &virtualedit,
\ 'cursorline': &cursorline,
\ 'lazyredraw': &lazyredraw,
\ 'paste': &paste,
\ 'clipboard': &clipboard,
\ }
" We save the window view when multicursor mode is entered
let obj.saved_winview = []
" Track whether we started multicursor mode from calling multiple_cursors#find
let obj.start_from_find = 0
return obj
" Clear all cursors and their highlights
function! s:CursorManager.reset(restore_view, restore_setting, ...) dict
if a:restore_view
" Return the view back to the beginning
if !empty(self.saved_winview)
call winrestview(self.saved_winview)
" If the cursor moved, just restoring the view could get confusing, let's
" put the cursor at where the user left it. Only do this if we didn't start
" from find mode
if !self.is_empty() && !self.start_from_find
call cursor(self.get(0).position)
" Delete all cursors and clear their highlights. Don't do clearmatches() as
" that will potentially interfere with other plugins
if !self.is_empty()
for i in range(self.size())
call self.remove_highlight(self.get(i).cursor_hi_id)
call self.remove_highlight(self.get(i).visual_hi_id)
let self.cursors = []
let self.current_index = -1
let self.starting_index = -1
let self.saved_winview = []
let self.start_from_find = 0
let s:char = ''
let s:saved_char = ''
if a:restore_setting
call self.restore_user_settings()
" Call after function if exists and only if action is canceled (<Esc>)
if a:0 && s:before_function_called
if exists('*Multiple_cursors_after')
exe "call Multiple_cursors_after()"
doautocmd User MultipleCursorsPost
let s:before_function_called = 0
" Returns 0 if it's not managing any cursors at the moment
function! s:CursorManager.is_empty() dict
return self.size() == 0
" Returns the number of cursors it's managing
function! s:CursorManager.size() dict
return len(self.cursors)
" Returns the current cursor
function! s:CursorManager.get_current() dict
return self.cursors[self.current_index]
" Returns the cursor at index i
function! s:CursorManager.get(i) dict
return self.cursors[a:i]
" Removes the current cursor and all its associated highlighting. Also update
" the current index
function! s:CursorManager.delete_current() dict
call self.remove_highlight(self.get_current().cursor_hi_id)
call self.remove_highlight(self.get_current().visual_hi_id)
call remove(self.cursors, self.current_index)
let self.current_index -= 1
" Remove the highlighting if its matchid exists
function! s:CursorManager.remove_highlight(hi_id) dict
if a:hi_id
" If the user did a matchdelete or a clearmatches, we don't want to barf if
" the matchid is no longer valid
silent! call matchdelete(a:hi_id)
function! s:CursorManager.debug() dict
let i = 0
for c in self.cursors
echom 'cursor #'.i.': pos='.string(c.position).' visual='.string(c.visual)
let i+=1
echom 'input = '.s:char
echom 'index = '.self.current_index
echom 'pos = '.string(s:pos('.'))
echom '''< = '.string(s:pos("'<"))
echom '''> = '.string(s:pos("'>"))
echom 'to mode = '.s:to_mode
echom 'from mode = '.s:from_mode
" echom 'special keys = '.string(s:special_keys)
echom ' '
" Sync the current cursor to the current Vim cursor. This includes updating its
" location, its highlight, and potentially its visual region. Return true if the
" position changed, false otherwise
function! s:CursorManager.update_current() dict
let cur = self.get_current()
if s:to_mode ==# 'v' || s:to_mode ==# 'V'
" If we're in visual line mode, we need to go to visual mode before we can
" update the visual region
if s:to_mode ==# 'V'
exec "normal! gvv\<Esc>"
" Sets the cursor at the right place
exec "normal! gv\<Esc>"
call cur.update_visual_selection(s:get_visual_region(s:pos('.')))
elseif s:from_mode ==# 'v' || s:from_mode ==# 'V'
" Save contents of unnamed register after each operation in Visual mode.
" This should be executed after user input is processed, when unnamed
" register already contains the text.
call cur.save_unnamed_register()
call cur.remove_visual_selection()
elseif s:from_mode ==# 'i' && s:to_mode ==# 'n' && self.current_index != self.size() - 1
normal! h
elseif s:from_mode ==# 'n'
" Save contents of unnamed register after each operation in Normal mode.
call cur.save_unnamed_register()
let vdelta = line('$') - s:saved_linecount
" If the total number of lines changed in the buffer, we need to potentially
" adjust other cursor locations
if vdelta != 0
if self.current_index != self.size() - 1
let cur_column_offset = (cur.column() - col('.')) * -1
let new_line_length = len(getline('.'))
for i in range(self.current_index+1, self.size()-1)
let hdelta = 0
" Note: some versions of Vim don't like chaining function calls like
" a.b().c(). For compatibility reasons, don't do it
let c = self.get(i)
" If there're other cursors on the same line, we need to adjust their
" columns. This needs to happen before we adjust their line!
if cur.line() == c.line()
if vdelta > 0
" Added a line
let hdelta = cur_column_offset
" Removed a line
let hdelta = new_line_length
call c.move(vdelta, hdelta)
" If the line length changes, for all the other cursors on the same line as
" the current one, update their cursor location as well
let hdelta = col('$') - cur.line_length
" Only do this if we're still on the same line as before
if hdelta != 0 && cur.line() == line('.')
" Update all the cursor's positions that occur after the current cursor on
" the same line
if self.current_index != self.size() - 1
for i in range(self.current_index+1, self.size()-1)
let c = self.get(i)
" Only do it for cursors on the same line
if cur.line() == c.line()
call c.move(0, hdelta)
" Early exit, if we're not on the same line, neither will any cursor
" that come after this
let pos = s:pos('.')
if cur.position == pos
return 0
call cur.update_position(pos)
return 1
" Advance to the next cursor
function! s:CursorManager.next() dict
let self.current_index = (self.current_index + 1) % self.size()
" Start tracking cursor updates
function! s:CursorManager.start_loop() dict
let self.starting_index = self.current_index
" Returns true if we're cycled through all the cursors
function! s:CursorManager.loop_done() dict
return self.current_index == self.starting_index
" Tweak some user settings, and save our current window view. This is called
" every time multicursor mode is entered.
" virtualedit needs to be set to onemore for updates to work correctly
" cursorline needs to be turned off for the cursor highlight to work on the line
" where the real vim cursor is
" lazyredraw needs to be turned on to prevent jerky screen behavior with many
" cursors on screen
" paste mode needs to be switched off since it turns off a bunch of features
" that's critical for the plugin to function
" clipboard should not have unnamed and unnamedplus otherwise plugin cannot
" reliably use unnamed register ('"')
function! s:CursorManager.initialize() dict
let self.saved_settings['virtualedit'] = &virtualedit
let self.saved_settings['cursorline'] = &cursorline
let self.saved_settings['lazyredraw'] = &lazyredraw
let self.saved_settings['paste'] = &paste
let self.saved_settings['clipboard'] = &clipboard
let &virtualedit = "onemore"
let &cursorline = 0
let &lazyredraw = 1
let &paste = 0
set clipboard-=unnamed clipboard-=unnamedplus
" We could have already saved the view from multiple_cursors#find
if !self.start_from_find
let self.saved_winview = winsaveview()
" Save contents and type of unnamed register upon entering multicursor mode
" to restore it later when leaving mode
let s:paste_buffer_temporary_text = getreg('"')
let s:paste_buffer_temporary_type = getregtype('"')
" Restore user settings.
function! s:CursorManager.restore_user_settings() dict
if !empty(self.saved_settings)
let &virtualedit = self.saved_settings['virtualedit']
let &cursorline = self.saved_settings['cursorline']
let &lazyredraw = self.saved_settings['lazyredraw']
let &paste = self.saved_settings['paste']
let &clipboard = self.saved_settings['clipboard']
" Restore original contents and type of unnamed register. This method is
" called from reset, which calls us only when restore_setting argument is
" true, which happens only when we leave multicursor mode. This should be
" symmetrical to saving of unnamed register upon the start of multicursor
" mode.
call setreg('"', s:paste_buffer_temporary_text, s:paste_buffer_temporary_type)
" Reposition all cursors to the start or end of their region
function! s:CursorManager.reposition_all_within_region(start) dict
for c in self.cursors
call c.update_position(c.saved_visual[a:start ? 0 : 1])
" Reselect the current cursor's region in visual mode
function! s:CursorManager.reapply_visual_selection() dict
call s:select_in_visual_mode(self.get_current().visual)
" Creates a new virtual cursor as 'pos'
" Optionally a 'region' object can be passed in as second argument. If set, the
" visual region of the cursor will be set to it
" Return true if the cursor has been successfully added, false otherwise
" Mode change: Normal -> Normal
" Cursor change: None (TODO Should we set Vim's cursor to pos?)
function! s:CursorManager.add(pos, ...) dict
" Lazy init
if self.is_empty()
call self.initialize()
" Don't add duplicates
let i = 0
for c in self.cursors
if c.position == a:pos
return 0
let i+=1
let cursor = s:Cursor.new(a:pos)
" Save the visual selection
if a:0 > 0
call cursor.update_visual_selection(a:1)
call add(self.cursors, cursor)
let self.current_index += 1
return 1
" Variables
" This is the last user input that we're going to replicate, in its string form
let s:char = ''
" This is either `I` or `A`, as input in Visual mode, that we're going to use
" to make the appropriate transition into Insert mode
let s:saved_char = ''
" This is the mode the user is in before s:char
let s:from_mode = ''
" This is the mode the user is in after s:char
let s:to_mode = ''
" This is the total number of lines in the buffer before processing s:char
let s:saved_linecount = -1
" This is used to apply the highlight fix. See s:apply_highight_fix()
let s:saved_line = 0
" This is the number of cursor locations where we detected an input that we
" cannot play back
let s:bad_input = 0
" Singleton cursor manager instance
let s:cm = s:CursorManager.new()
" Utility functions
" Return the position of the input marker as a two element array. First element
" is the line number, second element is the column number
function! s:pos(mark)
let pos = getpos(a:mark)
return [pos[1], pos[2]]
" Return the region covered by the input markers as a two element array. First
" element is the position of the start marker, second element is the position of
" the end marker
function! s:region(start_mark, end_mark)
return [s:pos(a:start_mark), s:pos(a:end_mark)]
" Exit visual mode and go back to normal mode
" The reason for the additional gv\<Esc> is that it allows the cursor to stay
" on where it was before exiting
" Mode change: Normal -> Normal or Visual -> Normal
" Cursor change: If in visual mode, changed to exactly where it was on screen in
" visual mode. If in normal mode, changed to where the cursor was when the last
" visual selection ended
function! s:exit_visual_mode()
exec "normal! \<Esc>gv\<Esc>"
" Call before function if exists only once until it is canceled (<Esc>)
if exists('*Multiple_cursors_before') && !s:before_function_called
exe "call Multiple_cursors_before()"
let s:before_function_called = 1
" Visually select input region, where region is an array containing the start
" and end position. If start is after end, the selection simply goes backwards.
" Typically m<, m>, and gv would be a simple way of accomplishing this, but on
" some systems, the m< and m> marks are not supported. Note that v`` has random
" behavior if `` is the same location as the cursor location.
" Mode change: Normal -> Visual
" Cursor change: Set to end of region
" TODO: Refactor this and s:update_visual_markers
" FIXME: By using m` we're destroying the user's jumplist. We should use a
" different mark and use :keepjump
function! s:select_in_visual_mode(region)
if a:region[0] == a:region[1]
normal! v
call cursor(a:region[1])
normal! m`
call cursor(a:region[0])
normal! v``
" Unselect and reselect it again to properly set the '< and '> markers
exec "normal! \<Esc>gv"
" Update '< and '> to the input region
" Mode change: Normal -> Normal
" Cursor change: Set to the end of the region
function! s:update_visual_markers(region)
if a:region[0] == a:region[1]
normal! v
call cursor(a:region[1])
normal! m`
call cursor(a:region[0])
normal! v``
call s:exit_visual_mode()
" Finds the next occurrence of the input text in the current buffer.
" Search is case sensitive
" Mode change: Normal -> Normal
" Cursor change: Set to the end of the match
function! s:find_next(text)
let pattern = substitute(escape(a:text, '\'), '\n', '\\n', 'g')
if s:use_word_boundary == 1
let pattern = '\<'.pattern.'\>'
let pattern = '\V\C'.pattern
call search(pattern)
let start = s:pos('.')
call search(pattern, 'ce')
let end = s:pos('.')
return [start, end]
" Highlight the position using the cursor highlight group
function! s:highlight_cursor(pos)
" Give cursor highlight high priority, to overrule visual selection
return matchadd(s:hi_group_cursor, '\%'.a:pos[0].'l\%'.a:pos[1].'c', 99999)
" Compare two position arrays. Return a negative value if lhs occurs before rhs,
" positive value if after, and 0 if they are the same.
function! s:compare_pos(l, r)
" If number lines are the same, compare columns
return a:l[0] ==# a:r[0] ? a:l[1] - a:r[1] : a:l[0] - a:r[0]
" Highlight the area bounded by the input region. The logic here really stinks,
" it's frustrating that Vim doesn't have a built in easier way to do this. None
" of the \%V or \%'m solutions work because we need the highlighting to stay for
" multiple places.
function! s:highlight_region(region)
let s = sort(copy(a:region), "s:compare_pos")
if s:to_mode ==# 'V'
let pattern = '\%>'.(s[0][0]-1).'l\%<'.(s[1][0]+1).'l.*\ze.\_$'
if (s[0][0] == s[1][0])
" Same line
let pattern = '\%'.s[0][0].'l\%>'.(s[0][1]-1).'c.*\%<'.(s[1][1]+1).'c.'
" Two lines
let s1 = '\%'.s[0][0].'l.\%>'.s[0][1].'c.*'
let s2 = '\%'.s[1][0].'l.*\%<'.s[1][1].'c..'
let pattern = s1.'\|'.s2
" More than two lines
if (s[1][0] - s[0][0] > 1)
let pattern = pattern.'\|\%>'.s[0][0].'l\%<'.s[1][0].'l.*\ze.\_$'
return matchadd(s:hi_group_visual, pattern)
" Perform the operation that's necessary to revert us from one mode to another
function! s:revert_mode(from, to)
if a:to ==# 'v'
call s:cm.reapply_visual_selection()
elseif a:to ==# 'V'
call s:cm.reapply_visual_selection()
normal! V
elseif a:to ==# 'n' && a:from ==# 'i'
" Consume all the additional character the user typed between the last
" getchar() and here, to avoid potential race condition.
let s:saved_keys = ""
function! s:feedkeys(keys)
while 1
let c = getchar(0)
let char_type = type(c)
" Checking type is important, when strings are compared with integers,
" strings are always converted to ints, and all strings are equal to 0
if char_type == 0
if c == 0
let s:saved_keys .= nr2char(c)
elseif char_type == 1 " char with more than 8 bits (as string)
let s:saved_keys .= c
call feedkeys(a:keys)
" Take the user input and apply it at every cursor
function! s:process_user_input()
" Grr this is frustrating. In Insert mode, between the feedkey call and here,
" the current position could actually CHANGE for some odd reason. Forcing a
" position reset here
let cursor_position = s:cm.get_current()
call cursor(cursor_position.position)
" Before applying the user input, we need to revert back to the mode the user
" was in when the input was entered
call s:revert_mode(s:to_mode, s:from_mode)
" Update the line length BEFORE applying any actions. TODO(terryma): Is there
" a better place to do this?
" let cursor_position = s:cm.get_current()
call cursor_position.update_line_length()
let s:saved_linecount = line('$')
" Restore unnamed register only in Normal mode. This should happen before user
" input is processed.
if s:from_mode ==# 'n' || s:from_mode ==# 'v' || s:from_mode ==# 'V'
call cursor_position.restore_unnamed_register()
" Apply the user input. Note that the above could potentially change mode, we
" use the mapping below to help us determine what the new mode is
" Note that it's possible that \<Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply) never gets called, we have a
" detection mechanism using \<Plug>(multiple-cursors-detect). See its documentation for more details
" Assume that input is not valid
let s:valid_input = 0
" If we're coming from insert mode or going into insert mode, always chain the
" undos together.
" FIXME(terryma): Undo always places the cursor at the beginning of the line.
" Figure out why.
if s:from_mode ==# 'i' || s:to_mode ==# 'i'
silent! undojoin | call s:feedkeys(s:char."\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply)")
call s:feedkeys(s:char."\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply)")
" Even when s:char produces invalid input, this method is always called. The
" 't' here is important
call feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-detect)", 't')
" This method is always called during fanout, even when a bad user input causes
" s:apply_user_input_next to not be called. We detect that and force the method
" to be called to continue the fanout process
function! s:detect_bad_input()
if !s:valid_input
" To invoke the appropriate `<Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply)` mapping, we
" need to revert back to the mode the user was in when the input was entered
call s:revert_mode(s:to_mode, s:from_mode)
" We ignore the bad input and force invoke s:apply_user_input_next
call feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-apply)")
let s:bad_input += 1
" Complete transition into Insert mode when `I` or `A` is input in Visual mode
function! s:handle_visual_IA_to_insert()
if !empty(s:saved_char) && s:char =~# 'v\|V' && s:to_mode ==# 'n'
if s:saved_char ==# 'I'
call s:cm.reposition_all_within_region(1)
call feedkeys(tolower(s:saved_char))
let s:saved_char = ''
" Begin transition into Insert mode when `I` or `A` is input in Visual mode
function! s:handle_visual_IA_to_normal()
if s:char =~# 'I\|A' && s:from_mode =~# 'v\|V'
let s:saved_char = s:char
let s:char = s:from_mode " spoof a 'v' or 'V' input to transiton from Visual into Normal mode
" Apply the user input at the next cursor location
function! s:apply_user_input_next(mode)
let s:valid_input = 1
" Save the current mode, only if we haven't already
if empty(s:to_mode)
let s:to_mode = a:mode
if s:to_mode ==# 'v'
if visualmode() ==# 'V'
let s:to_mode = 'V'
" Update the current cursor's information
let changed = s:cm.update_current()
" Advance the cursor index
call s:cm.next()
" We're done if we're made the full round
if s:cm.loop_done()
if s:to_mode ==# 'v' || s:to_mode ==# 'V'
" This is necessary to set the "'<" and "'>" markers properly
call s:update_visual_markers(s:cm.get_current().visual)
call feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-wait)")
call s:handle_visual_IA_to_insert()
" Continue to next
call feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-input)")
" If pos is equal to the left side of the visual selection, the region start
" from end to start
function! s:get_visual_region(pos)
let left = s:pos("'<")
let right = s:pos("'>")
if a:pos == left
let region = [right, left]
let region = [left, right]
return region
function! s:strpart(s, i, l)
if a:l == 0
return ''
let [s, l] = ['', 0]
for c in split(a:s[a:i :], '\zs')
let s .= c
let l += len(c)
if l >= a:l
return s
" Return the content of the buffer between the input region. This is used to
" find the next match in the buffer
" Mode change: Normal -> Normal
" Cursor change: None
function! s:get_text(region)
let lines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0])
let lines[-1] = s:strpart(lines[-1], 0, a:region[1][1])
let lines[0] = lines[0][a:region[0][1] - 1:]
return join(lines, "\n")
" Wrapper around getchar() that returns the string representation of the user
" input
function! s:get_char()
let c = getchar()
" If the character is a number, then it's not a special key
if type(c) == 0
let c = nr2char(c)
return c
" Quits multicursor mode and clears all cursors. Return true if exited
" successfully.
function! s:exit()
if s:last_char() !=# g:multi_cursor_quit_key
return 0
let exit = 0
if s:from_mode ==# 'n'
let exit = 1
elseif (s:from_mode ==# 'v' || s:from_mode ==# 'V') &&
\ g:multi_cursor_exit_from_visual_mode
let exit = 1
elseif s:from_mode ==# 'i' && g:multi_cursor_exit_from_insert_mode
let exit = 1
if exit
call s:cm.reset(1, 1, 1)
return 1
return 0
" These keys don't get faned out to all cursor locations. Instead, they're used
" to add new / remove existing cursors
" Precondition: The function is only called when the keys and mode respect the
" setting in s:special_keys
function! s:handle_special_key(key, mode)
" Use feedkeys here instead of calling the function directly to prevent
" increasing the call stack, since feedkeys execute after the current call
" finishes
if a:key == g:multi_cursor_next_key
if s:use_word_boundary == 1
call s:feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-new-word)")
call s:feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-new)")
elseif a:key == g:multi_cursor_prev_key
call s:feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-prev)")
elseif a:key == g:multi_cursor_skip_key
call s:feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-skip)")
" The last line where the normal Vim cursor is always seems to highlighting
" issues if the cursor is on the last column. Vim's cursor seems to override the
" highlight of the virtual cursor. This won't happen if the virtual cursor isn't
" the last character on the line. This is a hack to add an empty space on the
" Vim cursor line right before we do the redraw, we'll revert the change
" immedidately after the redraw so the change should not be intrusive to the
" user's buffer content
function! s:apply_highlight_fix()
" Only do this if we're on the last character of the line
if col('.') == col('$')
let s:saved_line = getline('.')
if s:from_mode ==# 'i'
silent! undojoin | call setline('.', s:saved_line.' ')
call setline('.', s:saved_line.' ')
" Revert the fix if it was applied earlier
function! s:revert_highlight_fix()
if type(s:saved_line) == 1
if s:from_mode ==# 'i'
silent! undojoin | call setline('.', s:saved_line)
call setline('.', s:saved_line)
let s:saved_line = 0
let s:retry_keys = ""
function! s:display_error()
if s:bad_input == s:cm.size()
\ && ((s:from_mode ==# 'n' && has_key(g:multi_cursor_normal_maps, s:char[0]))
\ || (s:from_mode =~# 'v\|V' && has_key(g:multi_cursor_visual_maps, s:char[0])))
" we couldn't replay it anywhere but we're told it's the beginning of a
" multi-character map like the `d` in `dw`
let s:retry_keys = s:char
let s:retry_keys = ""
if s:bad_input > 0
echohl ErrorMsg |
\ echo "Key '".s:char."' cannot be replayed at ".
\ s:bad_input." cursor location".(s:bad_input == 1 ? '' : 's') |
\ echohl Normal
let s:bad_input = 0
let s:latency_debug_file = ''
function! s:start_latency_measure()
if g:multi_cursor_debug_latency
let s:start_time = reltime()
function! s:skip_latency_measure()
if g:multi_cursor_debug_latency
let s:skip_latency_measure = 1
function! s:end_latency_measure()
if g:multi_cursor_debug_latency && !empty(s:char)
if empty(s:latency_debug_file)
let s:latency_debug_file = tempname()
exec 'redir >> '.s:latency_debug_file
silent! echom "Starting latency debug at ".reltimestr(reltime())
redir END
if !s:skip_latency_measure
exec 'redir >> '.s:latency_debug_file
silent! echom "Processing '".s:char."' took ".string(str2float(reltimestr(reltime(s:start_time)))*1000).' ms in '.s:cm.size().' cursors. mode = '.s:from_mode
redir END
let s:skip_latency_measure = 0
function! s:last_char()
return s:char[len(s:char)-1]
function! s:wait_for_user_input(mode)
call s:display_error()
let s:from_mode = a:mode
if empty(a:mode)
let s:from_mode = s:to_mode
let s:to_mode = ''
" Right before redraw, apply the highlighting bug fix
call s:apply_highlight_fix()
" Immediately revert the change to leave the user's buffer unchanged
call s:revert_highlight_fix()
call s:end_latency_measure()
let s:char = s:retry_keys . s:saved_keys
if len(s:saved_keys) == 0
let s:char .= s:get_char()
call s:handle_visual_IA_to_normal()
let s:saved_keys = ""
if s:from_mode ==# 'i' && has_key(g:multi_cursor_insert_maps, s:last_char())
let c = getchar(0)
let char_type = type(c)
let poll_count = 0
while char_type == 0 && c == 0 && poll_count < &timeoutlen
sleep 1m
let c = getchar(0)
let char_type = type(c)
let poll_count += 1
if char_type == 0 && c != 0
let s:char .= nr2char(c)
elseif char_type == 1 " char with more than 8 bits (as string)
let s:char .= c
elseif s:from_mode !=# 'i' && s:char[0] ==# ":"
call feedkeys(s:char)
call s:cm.reset(1, 1)
elseif s:from_mode ==# 'n'
while match(s:last_char(), "\\d") == 0
let s:char .= s:get_char()
call s:start_latency_measure()
" Clears any echoes we might've added
normal! :<Esc>
if s:exit()
" If the key is a special key and we're in the right mode, handle it
if index(get(s:special_keys, s:from_mode, []), s:last_char()) != -1
call s:handle_special_key(s:last_char(), s:from_mode)
call s:skip_latency_measure()
call s:cm.start_loop()
call s:feedkeys("\<Plug>(multiple-cursors-input)")