#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash # Approximate timeout rate in milliseconds (checked every 5 seconds). timeout="10000" # Take a screenshot of every screen available: xdpyinfo -ext XINERAMA | sed '/^ head #/!d;s///' | { while IFS=' :x@,' read i w h x y; do INDEX=$i import -window root -crop ${w}x$h+$x+$y /tmp/head_$i.png done # Add the lock to the swirled and blurred images: for i in `seq 0 ${INDEX}`; do convert /tmp/head_${i}.png -paint 1 -swirl 360 ~/.config/i3/lock.png -gravity center -composite -matte /tmp/head_${i}.png; done } #Combine all screen images into one big image convert +append /tmp/head_*.png /tmp/screen.png # Pause music (mocp and mpd): mocp -P mpc pause # Lock it up! i3lock -e -f -c 000000 -i /tmp/screen.png # If still locked after $timeout milliseconds, turn off screen. while [[ $(pgrep -x i3lock) ]]; do [[ $timeout -lt $(xssstate -i) ]] && xset dpms force off sleep 5 done