#!/bin/bash # Pass the password in the block instance if [[ -n $BLOCK_INSTANCE ]]; then password=("-h" "$BLOCK_INSTANCE@localhost") fi filter() { sed 2q | tac | sed -e "s/\&/&/g;/volume:/d;s/\[paused\].*/<span color=\"gray\" font_style=\"italic\">/g;s/\[playing\].*/<span>/g" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e "s/$/<\/span>/g" } case $BLOCK_BUTTON in 1) mpc $password status | filter && $TERMINAL -e ncmpcpp & disown ;; # left click, pause/unpause 3) mpc $password toggle | filter ;; # right click, pause/unpause 4) mpc $password prev | filter ;; # scroll up, previous 5) mpc $password next | filter ;; # scroll down, next *) mpc $password status | filter ;; esac