#!/bin/sh # # by Sairon Istyar, 2012 # distributed under the GPLv3 license # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html # ### CONFIGURATION ### # program to use for torrent download # magnet link to torrent will be appended # you can add -- at the end to indicate end of options # (if your program supports it, most do) program='/usr/bin/transmission-remote -a' daemon='transmission-daemon' TPB="https://thepiratebay.org" # show N first matches by default limit=50 # colors numbcolor='\x1b[1;35m' namecolor='\x1b[1;33m' sizecolor='\x1b[1;36m' seedcolor='\x1b[1;31m' peercolor='\x1b[1;32m' errocolor='\x1b[1;31m' mesgcolor='\x1b[1;37m' nonecolor='\x1b[0m' # default ordering method # 1 - name ascending; 2 - name descending; # 3 - recent first; 4 - oldest first; # 5 - size descending; 6 - size ascending; # 7 - seeds descending; 8 - seeds ascending; # 9 - leechers descending; 10 - leechers ascending; orderby=7 ### END CONFIGURATION ### thisfile="$0" printhelp() { echo -e "Usage:" echo -e "\t$thisfile [options] search query" echo echo echo -e "Available options:" echo -e "\t-h\t\tShow help" echo -e "\t-n [num]\tShow only first N results (default 15; max 100 [top] or 30 [search])" echo -e "\t-C\t\tDo not use colors" echo -e "\t-P [prog]\tSet torrent client command (\`-P torrent-client\` OR \`-P \"torrent-client --options\"\`)" echo echo -e "Current client settings: $program [magnet link]" } # change torrent client chex() { sed "s!^program=.*!program=\'$program\'!" -i "$thisfile" if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Client changed successfully." exit 0 else echo -e "${errocolor}(EE) ${mesgcolor}==> Something went wrong!${nonecolor}" exit 1 fi } # script cmdline option handling while getopts :hn:CP:: opt ; do case "$opt" in h) printhelp; exit 0;; n) limit="$OPTARG";; C) unset numbcolor namecolor sizecolor seedcolor peercolor nonecolor errocolor mesgcolor;; P) program="$OPTARG"; chex;; *) echo -e "Unknown option(s)."; printhelp; exit 1;; esac done shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` # correctly encode query q=`echo "$*" | tr -d '\n' | od -t x1 -A n | tr ' ' '%'` # if not searching, show top torrents if [ -z "$q" ] ; then url="top/all" else url='search/'"$q"'/0/'"$orderby"'/0' fi # get results # Here be dragons! r=`curl -k -A Mozilla -b "lw=s" -m 15 -s "$TPB/$url" \ | grep -Eo '^<td><a href=\"/torrent/[^>]*>.*|^<td><nobr><a href=\"[^"]*|<td align=\"right\">[^<]*' \ | sed 's!^<td><a href=\"/torrent/[^>]*>!!; \ s!</a>$!!; \ s!^<td><nobr><a href=\"!!; \ s!^<td [^>]*>!!; \ s! !\ !g; \ s/|/!/g' \ | sed 'N;N;N;N;s!\n!|!g'` # number of results n=`echo "$r" | wc -l` IFS=$'\n' # print results echo "$r" \ | head -n "$limit" \ | awk -v N=1 \ -v NU="$numbcolor" \ -v NA="$namecolor" \ -v SI="$sizecolor" \ -v SE="$seedcolor" \ -v PE="$peercolor" \ -v NO="$nonecolor" \ -F '|' \ '{print NU N ") " NA $1 " " SI $3 " " SE $4 " " PE $5 NO; N++}' # read ID(s), expand ranges, ignore everything else read -p ">> Torrents to download (eg. 1 3 5-7): " selection IFS=$'\n\ ' for num in $selection ; do if [ "$num" = "`echo $num | grep -o '[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*'`" ] ; then down="$down $num" elif [ "$num" = "`echo $num | grep -o '[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*'`" ] ; then seqstart="${num%-*}" seqend="${num#*-}" if [ $seqstart -le $seqend ] ; then down="$down `seq $seqstart $seqend`" fi fi done # normalize download list, sort it and remove dupes down="$(echo $down | tr '\ ' '\n' | sort -n | uniq)" IFS=$'\n' # check whether we're downloading something, else exit if [ -z "$down" ] ; then exit 0 fi # starts daemon if it was not already running and download all torrents in list echo -n "Downloading torrent(s): " if ! [ "$(pidof $daemon)" ]; then $daemon for torrent in $down ; do # check if ID is valid and in range of results, download torrent if [ $torrent -ge 1 ] ; then if [ $torrent -le $limit ] ; then echo -n "$torrent " command="$program `echo "$r" | awk -F '|' 'NR=='$torrent'{print $2; exit}'`" status=$(eval "$command" 2>&1) if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo -n '(failed!) ' report="$report\n(#$torrent) $status" fi fi fi done fi echo if [ -n "$report" ] ; then echo -n "Exited with errors:" echo -e "$report" fi unset IFS