# Calcurse keys configuration file
# This file sets the keybindings used by Calcurse.
# Lines beginning with "#" are comments, and ignored by Calcurse.
# To assign a keybinding to an action, this file must contain a line
# with the following syntax:
#        ACTION  KEY1  KEY2  ...  KEYn
# Where ACTION is what will be performed when KEY1, KEY2, ..., or KEYn
# will be pressed.
# To define bindings which use the CONTROL key, prefix the key with 'C-'.
# The escape, space bar and horizontal Tab key can be specified using
# the 'ESC', 'SPC' and 'TAB' keyword, respectively.
# Arrow keys can also be specified with the UP, DWN, LFT, RGT keywords.
# Last, Home and End keys can be assigned using 'KEY_HOME' and 'KEY_END'
# keywords.
# A description of what each ACTION keyword is used for is available
# from calcurse online configuration menu.

generic-cancel  ESC 
generic-select  SPC 
generic-credits  @ 
generic-help  ? 
generic-quit  q Q 
generic-save  s S ^S 
generic-reload  R 
generic-copy  c 
generic-paste  p ^V 
generic-change-view  TAB 
generic-import  i I 
generic-export  x X 
generic-goto  g G 
generic-other-cmd  o O 
generic-config-menu  C 
generic-redraw  ^R 
generic-add-appt  ^A 
generic-add-todo  ^T 
generic-prev-day  T ^H 
generic-next-day  t ^L 
generic-prev-week  W ^K 
generic-next-week  w ^J 
generic-prev-month  M 
generic-next-month  m 
generic-prev-year  Y 
generic-next-year  y 
generic-scroll-down  ^N 
generic-scroll-up  ^P 
generic-goto-today  ^G 
generic-command  : 
move-right  l L RGT 
move-left  h H LFT 
move-down  j J DWN 
move-up  k K UP 
start-of-week  0 
end-of-week  $ 
add-item  a A 
del-item  d D 
edit-item  e E 
view-item  v V 
pipe-item  | 
flag-item  ! 
repeat  r 
edit-note  n N 
view-note  > 
raise-priority  + 
lower-priority  -