# The Simple X Hotkey Daemon is the program used by LARBS to map most of the # dwm-independent commands. This file is pretty readable, so I'll let you read # it. # The keys NOT bound here by sxhkd, but by dwm or i3 are: # The t thru p keys on the top row # The f thru ; keys on the home row # The b key on the bottom row # Basic binds super + Return $TERMINAL super + shift + q kill -9 `xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid` super + d dmenu_run super + r $TERMINAL -e $FILE super + e $TERMINAL -e neomutt super + m $TERMINAL -e ncmpcpp super + n $TERMINAL -e newsboat super + s $TERMINAL -e htop super + c $TERMINAL -e calcurse -D ~/.config/calcurse super + shift + a $TERMINAL -e alsamixer; refbar super + shift + c mpv --no-osc --no-input-default-bindings --input-conf=/dev/null --title='mpvfloat' /dev/video0 super + shift + e tutorialvids super + shift + w $BROWSER super + shift + g gimp # Et cetera... super + grave dmenuunicode super + Scroll_Lock killall screenkey || screenkey super + Insert showclip super + shift + x prompt "Shutdown computer?" "sudo -A shutdown -h now" super + shift + BackSpace prompt "Reboot computer?" "sudo -A shutdown -r now" super + shift + Escape prompt 'Leave Xorg?' 'killall Xorg' super + x mpc pause; pauseallmpv; i3lock -e -f -c 1d2021; xset dpms force off XF86Launch1 xset dpms force off XF86TouchpadToggle (synclient | grep "TouchpadOff.*1" && synclient TouchpadOff=0)>/dev/null || synclient TouchpadOff=1 XF86Touchpad{Off,On} synclient TouchpadOff={1,0} # Recording # Take screenshot Print maim pic-full-$(date '+%y%m%d-%H%M-%S').png # Pick screenshot type shift + Print maimpick # Print: Record audio or video; Del: kill recording super + {Print,Delete} dmenurecord {,kill} # Pause audio super + {_,shift +} p mpc {toggle,pause} # Changes to next/previous tracks super + {comma,period} mpc {prev,next} # Restart track super + shift + less mpc seek 0% # Seek foward in song super + {_,shift +} bracketright mpc seek +{10,120} # Seek backward in song super + {_,shift +} bracketleft mpc seek -{10,120} # Increase volume super + {equal,plus} amixer sset Master {5,15}%+; refbar # Decrease volume super {_,shift +} + minus amixer sset Master {5,15}%-; refbar super + shift + m amixer sset Master toggle; refbar # Audiokeys XF86AudioMute amixer sset Master toggle; refbar XF86Audio{Raise,Lower}Volume amixer sset Master 5%{+,-}; refbar XF86Audio{Next,Prev} mpc {next,prev} XF86Audio{Pause,Play,Stop} mpc {pause,play,stop} XF86Audio{Rewind,Forward} mpc seek {-,+}10 XF86AudioRecord dmenurecord XF86AudioMedia $TERMINAL -e ncmpcpp XF86PowerOff prompt "Shutdown computer?" "sudo -A shutdown -h now" XF86Calculator $TERMINAL -e bc XF86Sleep prompt 'Hibernate computer?' 'sudo -A zzz' XF86WWW $BROWSER XF86DOS $TERMINAL XF86ScreenSaver mpc pause; pauseallmpv; i3lock -e -f -c 1d2021; xset dpms force off XF86TaskPane $TERMINAL -e htop XF86Mail $TERMINAL -e neomutt XF86MyComputer $TERMINAL -e $FILE / # Function keys super + shift + F1 grep LARBSWELCOME ~/.xprofile && ( sed -i "/LARBSWELCOME/d" ~/.xprofile && notify-send "LARBS welcome message" "Welcome message disabled. Press Super+Shift+F1 again to reverse." ) || ( echo "notify-send \"Welcome to LARBS on Void with dwm\" \"Press super+F1 for the help menu.\" # LARBSWELCOME" >> ~/.xprofile && notify-send "LARBS welcome message" "Welcome message re-enabled." ) #notify-send "LARBS" "The LARBS welcome message has been disabled."; sed -i "/LARBSWELCOME/d" ~/.xprofile # Show readme super + F1 groff -mom $HOME/.local/share/larbs/readme.mom -Tpdf | zathura - # super + F2 is mapped to restart dwm. # Change display super + F3 displayselect # Hibernate super + F4 prompt 'Hibernate computer?' 'sudo -A zzz' # Start torrent daemon/open interface super + F6 torwrap # toggle torrent daemon super + F7 td-togggle # sync email super + F8 mailsync # Mount a USB drive or Android device super + {F9,F10} {dmenumount,dmenuumount} super + F12 $TERMINAL -e wpa_cli