#!/bin/sh # This script simplifies dropdown windows in i3. # Usage: # argument 1: script to run in dropdown window # all other args are interpreted as options for your terminal # My usage: # ddpawn # bindsym $mod+u exec --no-startup-id ddspawn tmuxdd # Will hide/show window running the `tmuxdd` script when I press mod+u in i3 # bindsym $mod+a exec --no-startup-id ddspawn dropdowncalc -f mono:pixelsize=24 # Similar to above but with `dropdowncalc` and the other args are interpretated as for my terminal emulator (to increase font) [ -z "$1" ] && exit if xwininfo -tree -root | grep "(\"$1\" "; then echo "Window detected." else echo "Window not detected... spawning." i3 "exec --no-startup-id $TERMINAL -n $1 $(echo "$@" | cut -d ' ' -f2-) -e $1" && i3 "[instance=\"$1\"] scratchpad show; [instance=\"$1\"] move position center" sleep .25 # This sleep is my laziness, will fix later (needed for immediate appearance after spawn). fi i3 "[instance=\"$1\"] scratchpad show; [instance=\"$1\"] move position center"