" Vim global plugin for math on visual regions " Maintainer: Damian Conway " License: This file is placed in the public domain. "###################################################################### "## ## "## To use: ## "## ## "## vmap <expr> ++ VMATH_YankAndAnalyse() ## "## nmap ++ vip++ ## "## ## "## (or whatever keys you prefer to remap these actions to) ## "## ## "###################################################################### " If already loaded, we're done... if exists("loaded_vmath") finish endif let loaded_vmath = 1 " Preserve external compatibility options, then enable full vim compatibility... let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Grab visual selection and do simple math on it... function! VMATH_YankAndAnalyse () if &showmode " Don't reselect the visual region if showmode is enabled " because it will clobber the sum/avg/etc report with the " "-- VISUAL --" message. return "y:call VMATH_Analyse()\<CR>" else return "y:call VMATH_Analyse()\<CR>gv" endif endfunction " What to consider a number... let s:NUM_PAT = '^[+-]\?\d\+\%([.]\d\+\)\?\([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?$' " How widely to space the report components... let s:REPORT_GAP = 3 "spaces between components " Do simple math on current yank buffer... function! VMATH_Analyse () " Extract data from selection... let selection = getreg('') let raw_numbers = filter(split(selection), 'v:val =~ s:NUM_PAT') let numbers = map(copy(raw_numbers), 'str2float(v:val)') " Results include a newline if original selection did... let newline = selection =~ "\n" ? "\n" : "" " Calculate and en-register various interesting metrics... let summation = len(numbers) ? join( numbers, ' + ') : '0' call setreg('s', s:tidy( eval( summation ) )) " Sum --> register s call setreg('a', s:average(raw_numbers) ) " Average --> register a call setreg('x', s:tidy( s:max(numbers) )) " Max --> register x call setreg('n', s:tidy( s:min(numbers) )) " Min --> register n call setreg('r', @n . ' to ' . @x ) " Range --> register r call setreg('c', len(numbers) ) " Count --> register c " Default paste buffer should depend on original contents (TODO) call setreg('', @s ) " Report... let gap = repeat(" ", s:REPORT_GAP) highlight NormalUnderlined term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline echohl NormalUnderlined echo 's' echohl NONE echon 'um: ' . @s . gap echohl NormalUnderlined echon 'a' echohl NONE echon 'vg: ' . @a . gap echon 'mi' echohl NormalUnderlined echon 'n' echohl NONE echon ': ' . @n . gap echon 'ma' echohl NormalUnderlined echon 'x' echohl NONE echon ': ' . @x . gap echohl NormalUnderlined echon 'c' echohl NONE echon 'ount: ' . @c endfunction " Prettify numbers... function! s:tidy (number) let tidied = printf('%g', a:number) return substitute(tidied, '[.]0\+$', '', '') endfunction " Compute average with meaningful number of decimal places... function! s:average (numbers) " Compute average... let summation = eval( len(a:numbers) ? join( a:numbers, ' + ') : '0' ) let avg = 1.0 * summation / s:max([len(a:numbers), 1]) " Determine significant figures... let min_decimals = 15 for num in a:numbers let decimals = strlen(matchstr(num, '[.]\d\+$')) - 1 if decimals < min_decimals let min_decimals = decimals endif endfor " Adjust answer... return min_decimals > 0 ? printf('%0.'.min_decimals.'f', avg) \ : string(avg) endfunction " Reimplement these because the builtins don't handle floats (!!!) function! s:max (numbers) if !len(a:numbers) return 0 endif let numbers = copy(a:numbers) let maxnum = numbers[0] for nextnum in numbers[1:] if nextnum > maxnum let maxnum = nextnum endif endfor return maxnum endfunction function! s:min (numbers) if !len(a:numbers) return 0 endif let numbers = copy(a:numbers) let minnum = numbers[0] for nextnum in numbers[1:] if nextnum < minnum let minnum = nextnum endif endfor return minnum endfunction " Restore previous external compatibility options let &cpo = s:save_cpo