resize now sensible
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 61 additions and 29 deletions
@ -87,13 +87,14 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+BackSpace exec prompt "Are you sure you want to reboot?" "$re
##bindsym $mod+asciitilde
bindsym $mod+Shift+Delete exec lmc truemute ; exec $truepause ; workspace lmao ; exec $term -e htop ; exec $term -e ranger
bindsym $mod+Shift+Delete exec --no-startup-id lmc truemute ; exec $truepause ; workspace lmao ; exec $term -e htop ; exec $term -e ranger
# #---Letter Key Bindings---# #
bindsym $mod+q kill
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
bindsym $mod+w exec $term -e sudo wifi-menu
bindsym $mod+w exec --no-startup-id openweb
#bindsym $mod+w exec $term -e sudo wifi-menu
bindsym $mod+Shift+w exec --no-startup-id $BROWSER
bindsym $mod+e exec $term -e neomutt
@ -106,18 +107,19 @@ bindsym $mod+t split toggle
bindsym $mod+Shift+t gaps inner current set 15; gaps outer current set 15
bindsym $mod+y exec $term -e calcurse
bindsym $mod+Shift+y resize shrink width 10 px or 10ppt
bindsym $mod+Shift+y exec --no-startup-id "bash ~/.scripts/i3resize left"
bindsym $mod+u [instance="dropdown"] scratchpad show; [instance="dropdown"] move position center
bindsym $mod+Shift+u resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym $mod+Shift+u exec --no-startup-id "bash ~/.scripts/i3resize down"
bindsym $mod+i exec $term -e htop
bindsym $mod+Shift+i resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym $mod+Shift+i exec --no-startup-id "bash ~/.scripts/i3resize up"
bindsym $mod+o sticky toggle
bindsym $mod+Shift+o resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym $mod+Shift+o exec --no-startup-id "bash ~/.scripts/i3resize right"
bindsym $mod+p exec lmc toggle
bindsym $mod+p exec --no-startup-id lmc toggle
bindsym $mod+Shift+p exec mypaint
bindsym $mod+a [instance="math"] scratchpad show; [instance="math"] move position center
@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ bindsym $mod+n exec $term -e newsboat
##bindsym $mod+Shift+n
bindsym $mod+m exec --no-startup-id st -e ncmpcpp
bindsym $mod+Shift+m exec lmc mute
bindsym $mod+Shift+m exec --no-startup-id lmc mute
# #---Workspace Bindings---# #
@ -296,20 +298,20 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
# #---Media Keys---# #
# Volume keys
bindsym $mod+plus exec lmc up 5
bindsym $mod+Shift+plus exec lmc up 15
bindsym $mod+minus exec lmc down 5
bindsym $mod+Shift+minus exec lmc down 15
bindsym $mod+less exec lmc prev
bindsym $mod+Shift+less exec lmc replay
bindsym $mod+greater exec lmc next
bindsym $mod+Shift+greater exec lmc next
bindsym $mod+plus exec --no-startup-id lmc up 5
bindsym $mod+Shift+plus exec --no-startup-id lmc up 15
bindsym $mod+minus exec --no-startup-id lmc down 5
bindsym $mod+Shift+minus exec --no-startup-id lmc down 15
bindsym $mod+less exec --no-startup-id lmc prev
bindsym $mod+Shift+less exec --no-startup-id lmc replay
bindsym $mod+greater exec --no-startup-id lmc next
bindsym $mod+Shift+greater exec --no-startup-id lmc next
# For advancing forward/backward in an mpd song
bindsym $mod+bracketleft exec lmc back 10
bindsym $mod+Shift+bracketleft exec lmc back 120
bindsym $mod+bracketright exec lmc forward 10
bindsym $mod+Shift+bracketright exec lmc forward 120
bindsym $mod+bracketleft exec --no-startup-id lmc back 10
bindsym $mod+Shift+bracketleft exec --no-startup-id lmc back 120
bindsym $mod+bracketright exec --no-startup-id lmc forward 10
bindsym $mod+Shift+bracketright exec --no-startup-id lmc forward 120
# For screenshots and recording
bindsym Print exec --no-startup-id scrot
@ -321,9 +323,9 @@ bindsym XF86Launch1 exec $stoprec & xset dpms force off
# #---Extra XF86 Keys---# #
# These are the extra media keys that some keyboards have.
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec lmc mute
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec lmc down 5
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec lmc up 5
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec --no-startup-id lmc mute
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec --no-startup-id lmc down 5
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec --no-startup-id lmc up 5
bindsym XF86PowerOff exec prompt "Are you sure you want to shutdown?" "$shutdown"
##bindsym XF86Copy exec
##bindsym XF86Open exec
@ -346,13 +348,13 @@ bindsym XF86MyComputer exec $term -e ranger
##bindsym XF86Back exec
##bindsym XF86Forward exec
bindsym XF86Eject exec sudo umount -R /mnt
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec lmc next
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec lmc toggle
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec lmc prev
bindsym XF86AudioStop exec lmc toggle
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec --no-startup-id lmc next
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec --no-startup-id lmc toggle
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec --no-startup-id lmc prev
bindsym XF86AudioStop exec --no-startup-id lmc toggle
##bindsym XF86AudioRecord
bindsym XF86AudioRewind exec lmc back 10
bindsym XF86AudioForward exec lmc forward 10
bindsym XF86AudioRewind exec --no-startup-id lmc back 10
bindsym XF86AudioForward exec --no-startup-id lmc forward 10
##bindsym XF86Phone exec
##bindsym XF86Tools exec
bindsym XF86HomePage exec $BROWSER
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# This script was made by `goferito` on Github.
distanceStr="$pts px or $pts ppt"
[ -z $1 ] && echo "No direction provided" && exit 1
if [ "$1" == "up" ]; then
i3-msg resize grow up $distanceStr | grep '"success":true' || \
i3-msg resize shrink down $distanceStr
if [ "$1" == "down" ]; then
i3-msg resize shrink up $distanceStr | grep '"success":true' || \
i3-msg resize grow down $distanceStr
if [ "$1" == "left" ]; then
i3-msg resize shrink right $distanceStr | grep '"success":true' || \
i3-msg resize grow left $distanceStr
if [ "$1" == "right" ]; then
i3-msg resize grow right $distanceStr | grep '"success":true' || \
i3-msg resize shrink left $distanceStr
Add table
Reference in a new issue