html unicode char escapes added
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 44 additions and 30 deletions
@ -118,18 +118,11 @@ let mapleader =" "
" Disables automatic commenting on newline:
autocmd FileType * setlocal formatoptions-=c formatoptions-=r formatoptions-=o
" C-T for new tab
nnoremap <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
" Navigating with guides
inoremap <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<++><Enter>"_c4l
vnoremap <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<++><Enter>"_c4l
map <Space><Tab> <Esc>/<++><Enter>"_c4l
" For normal mode when in terminals (in X I have caps mapped to esc, this replaces it when I don't have X)
inoremap jw <Esc>
inoremap wj <Esc>
"____ _ _
"/ ___| _ __ (_)_ __ _ __ ___| |_ ___
"\___ \| '_ \| | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ __/ __|
@ -181,29 +174,50 @@ let mapleader =" "
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ,col \begin{columns}[T]<Enter>\begin{column}{.5\textwidth}<Enter><Enter>\end{column}<Enter>\begin{column}{.5\textwidth}<Enter><++><Enter>\end{column}<Enter>\end{columns}<Esc>5kA
autocmd FileType tex inoremap ,rn (\ref{})<++><Esc>F}i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,b <b></b><Space><++><Esc>FbT>i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,it <em></em><Space><++><Esc>FeT>i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,1 <h1></h1><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,2 <h2></h2><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,3 <h3></h3><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,p <p></p><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>02kf>a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,a <a<Space>href=""><++></a><Space><++><Esc>14hi
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,e <a<Space>target="_blank"<Space>href=""><++></a><Space><++><Esc>14hi
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,ul <ul><Enter><li></li><Enter></ul><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>03kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,li <Esc>o<li></li><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,ol <ol><Enter><li></li><Enter></ol><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>03kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,im <img src="" alt="<++>"><++><esc>Fcf"a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,td <td></td><++><Esc>Fdcit
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,tr <tr></tr><Enter><++><Esc>kf<i
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,th <th></th><++><Esc>Fhcit
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,tab <table><Enter></table><Esc>O
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,gr <font color="green"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,rd <font color="red"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,yl <font color="yellow"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,dt <dt></dt><Enter><dd><++></dd><Enter><++><esc>2kcit
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap ,dl <dl><Enter><Enter></dl><enter><enter><++><esc>3kcc
autocmd FileType php,html inoremap &<space> &<space>
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,b <b></b><Space><++><Esc>FbT>i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,it <em></em><Space><++><Esc>FeT>i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,1 <h1></h1><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,2 <h2></h2><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,3 <h3></h3><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>2kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,p <p></p><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>02kf>a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,a <a<Space>href=""><++></a><Space><++><Esc>14hi
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,e <a<Space>target="_blank"<Space>href=""><++></a><Space><++><Esc>14hi
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,ul <ul><Enter><li></li><Enter></ul><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>03kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,li <Esc>o<li></li><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,ol <ol><Enter><li></li><Enter></ol><Enter><Enter><++><Esc>03kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,im <img src="" alt="<++>"><++><esc>Fcf"a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,td <td></td><++><Esc>Fdcit
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,tr <tr></tr><Enter><++><Esc>kf<i
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,th <th></th><++><Esc>Fhcit
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,tab <table><Enter></table><Esc>O
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,gr <font color="green"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,rd <font color="red"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,yl <font color="yellow"></font><Esc>F>a
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,dt <dt></dt><Enter><dd><++></dd><Enter><++><esc>2kcit
autocmd FileType html inoremap ,dl <dl><Enter><Enter></dl><enter><enter><++><esc>3kcc
autocmd FileType html inoremap &<space> &<space>
autocmd FileType html inoremap á á
autocmd FileType html inoremap é é
autocmd FileType html inoremap í í
autocmd FileType html inoremap ó ó
autocmd FileType html inoremap ú ú
autocmd FileType html inoremap ä ä
autocmd FileType html inoremap ë ë
autocmd FileType html inoremap ï ï
autocmd FileType html inoremap ö ö
autocmd FileType html inoremap ü ü
autocmd FileType html inoremap ã ã
autocmd FileType html inoremap ẽ &etilde;
autocmd FileType html inoremap ĩ ĩ
autocmd FileType html inoremap õ õ
autocmd FileType html inoremap ũ ũ
autocmd FileType html inoremap ñ ñ
autocmd FileType html inoremap à à
autocmd FileType html inoremap è è
autocmd FileType html inoremap ì ì
autocmd FileType html inoremap ò ò
autocmd FileType html inoremap ù ù
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