## I'm looking for i3, ranger, etc. Where are they?
There are two branches in this repository, `master`, which I use myself and regularly update (using dwm as a window manager), and `archi3` which is an older an more-or-less constant branch that contains older dotfiles, including those for programs I no longer use (like ranger) and which runs i3 as a window manager.
If problems arise with my i3 configuration here, you'll have to bring them up to me since I no longer use it.
I'd estimate that more of my subscribers use i3 rather than dwm, so I keep it here for them.
or clone the repo files directly to your home directory and install [the prerequisite programs](https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/LARBS/blob/master/progs.csv) or [those required for the i3 setup](https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/LARBS/blob/master/legacy.csv).