If you're not familiar, I recommend you press \f(CWMod+F2\fP and select the "dwm" option to watch my brief tutorial (note that the bindings I discuss in the video are the default dwm binds, which are different (inferior) to those here).
Notice also the case sensitivity of the shortcuts\c
To type capital letters, hold down the \f(CWShift\fP key\(emthat might sound like an obvious and condescending thing to tell you, but there have literally been multiple people (Boomers) who have emailed me asking how to type a capital letter since caps lock isn't enabled.
, Be sure you play around with these. Be flexible with the basic commands and the system will grow on you quick.
\f(CWMod+Enter\fP \(en Spawn terminal (the default terminal is \f(CWst\fP; run \f(CWman st\fP for more.)
\f(CWMod+q\fP \(en Close window
\f(CWMod+d\fP \(en dmenu (For running commands or programs without shortcuts)
\f(CWMod+j/k\fP \(en Cycle thru windows by their stack order
\f(CWMod+Space\fP \(en Make selected window the master (or switch master with 2nd)
\f(CWMod+h/l\fP \(en Change width of master window
I use maim and ffmpeg to make different recordings of the desktop and audio.
All of these recording shortcuts will output into \f(CW~\fP, and will not overwrite
previous recordings as their names are based on their exact times.
\f(CWPrintScreen\fP \(en Take a screenshot
\f(CWShift+PrintScreen\fP \(en Select area to screenshot
\f(CWMod+PrintScreen\fP \(en Opens dmenu menu to select kind of audio/video recording
\f(CWMod+Delete\fP \(en Kills any recording started in the above way.
\f(CWMod+Shift+c\fP \(en Toggles a webcam in the bottom right for screencasting.
\f(CWMod+ScrollLock\fP \(en Toggle screenkey (if installed) to show keypresses
.HEADING 2 "Other buttons"
I've mapped those extra buttons that some keyboards have (play and pause
buttons, screen brightness, email, web browsing buttons, etc.) to what you
would expect.
.HEADING 1 "Configuration"
Dotfiles/settings files are located in \f(CW~/.config/\fP, note that dotfiles to programs not included in LARBS are there as well by requests of users. I do not necessarily maintain all these dotfiles, but they remain as legacy.
Suckless programs, dwm (the window manager), st (the terminal) and dmenu among others do not have traditional config files, but have their source code location in \f(CW~/.local/src/\fP.
There you can modify their \f(CWconfig.h\fP files, then \f(CWsudo make install\fP to reinstall.
(You'll have to restart the program to see its effects obviously.)
.HEADING 1 "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)"
.HEADING 2 "My keyboard isn't working as expected!"
As mentioned above, LARBS makes some keyboard changes with the \f(CWremaps\fP script.
These settings may override your preferred settings, so you should open this file and comment out troublesome lines if you have issues.
You may also need to set your preferred default output sink which you can do by the command line, or by selecting one with \f(CWpulsemixer\fP (\f(CWMod+F4\fP).
Copying and pasting is always program-specific on any system.
In most graphical programs, copy and paste will be the same as they are on Windows: \f(CWctrl-c\fP and \f(CWctrl-v\fP.
In the Linux terminal, those binds have other more important purposes, so you can run \f(CWman st\fP to see how to copy and paste in my terminal build.
Additionally, I've set vim to use the clipboard as the default buffer, which means when you yank or delete something in vim, it will be in your system clipboard as well, so you can \f(CWctrl-v\fP it into your browser instance, etc. You can also paste material copied from other programs into vim with the typical vim bindings.
.HEADING 2 "How do I change the background/wallpaper?"
The system will always read the file \f(CW~/.config/wall.png\fP as the wallpaper.
The script \f(CWsetbg\fP, if run on an image will set it as the persistent background.
When using the file manager, you can simply hover over an image name and type \f(CWbg\fP and this will run \f(CWsetbg\fP.
LARBS no longer deploys Xresource by default, but check \f(CW~/.config/Xresources\fP for a list of color schemes you can activate or add your own. When you save the file, vim will automatically update the colorscheme. If you'd like these colors activated by default on login, there is a line in \f(CW~/.config/xprofile\fP you can uncomment to allow that.
Or, if you want to use \f(CWwal\fP to automatically generate colorschemes from your wallpapers, just install it and \f(CWsetbg\fP will automatically detect and run it on startup and wallpaper change.
LARBS comes with mutt-wizard, which gives the ability to receive and send all your email and keep an offline store of it all in your terminal, without the need for browser.
You can add email accounts by running \f(CWmw add\fP.
Once you have successfully added your email address(es), you can open your mail with \f(CWneomutt\fP which is also bound to \f(CWMod+e\fP.
You can sync your mail by pressing \f(CWMod+F8\fP and you can set a cronjob to sync mail every several minutes by running \f(CWmw cron\fP.
You may also want to install \f(CWpam-gnupg-git\fP, which can be set up to automatically unlock your GPG key on login, which will allow you avoid having put in a password to sync and send, all while keeping your password safe and encypted on your machine.
.HEADING 2 "How do I set up my music?"
By default, mpd, the music daemon assumes that \f(CW~/Music\fP is your music directory.
This can be changed in \f(CW~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf\fP.
When you add music to your music folder, you may have to run \f(CWmpc up\fP in the terminal to update the database.
mpd is controlled by ncmpcpp, which is accessible by \f(CWMod+m\fP.
.HEADING 2 "How do I update LARBS?"
LARBS is deployed as a git repository in your home directory.
You can use it as such to fetch, diff and merge changes from the remote repository.
If you don't want to do that or don't know how to use git, you can actually just rerun the script (as root) and reinstall LARBS and it will automatically update an existing install if you select the same username.
This will overwrite the original config files though, including changes you made for them, but this is an easier brute force approach that will also install any new dependencies.