This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ getuserandpass() { \
pass1=$(dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Enter a password for that user." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
pass2=$(dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Retype password." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
while ! [[ ${pass1} == ${pass2} ]]; do
while ! [[ ${pass1} == "${pass2}" ]]; do
unset pass2
pass1=$(dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Passwords do not match.\\n\\nEnter password again." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
pass2=$(dialog --no-cancel --passwordbox "Retype password." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
done ;}
usercheck() { \
! (id -u $name &>/dev/null) ||
! (id -u "$name" &>/dev/null) ||
dialog --colors --title "WARNING!" --yes-label "CONTINUE" --no-label "No wait..." --yesno "The user \`$name\` already exists on this system. LARBS can install for a user already existing, but it will \\Zboverwrite\\Zn any conflicting settings/dotfiles on the user account.\\n\\nLARBS will \\Zbnot\\Zn overwrite your user files, documents, videos, etc., so don't worry about that, but only click <CONTINUE> if you don't mind your settings being overwritten.\\n\\nNote also that LARBS will change $name's password to the one you just gave." 14 70
@ -76,12 +76,12 @@ adduserandpass() { \
gitmakeinstall() {
dir=$(mktemp -d)
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$(basename $1)\` ($n of $total) via \`git\` and \`make\`. $(basename $1) $2" 5 70
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$(basename "$1")\` ($n of $total) via \`git\` and \`make\`. $(basename "$1") $2" 5 70
git clone --depth 1 "$1" "$dir" &>/dev/null
cd "$dir" || exit
make &>/dev/null
make install &>/dev/null
cd /tmp ;}
cd /tmp || return ;}
maininstall() { # Installs all needed programs from main repo.
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$1\` ($n of $total). $1 $2" 5 70
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ maininstall() { # Installs all needed programs from main repo.
aurinstall() { \
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Installing \`$1\` ($n of $total) from the AUR. $1 $2" 5 70
grep "^$1$" <<< "$aurinstalled" && return
sudo -u $name $aurhelper -S --noconfirm "$1" &>/dev/null
sudo -u "$name" $aurhelper -S --noconfirm "$1" &>/dev/null
installationloop() { \
@ -137,17 +137,17 @@ resetpulse() { dialog --infobox "Reseting Pulseaudio..." 4 50
manualinstall() { # Installs $1 manually if not installed. Used only for AUR helper here.
[[ -f /usr/bin/$1 ]] || (
dialog --infobox "Installing \"$1\", an AUR helper..." 4 50
cd /tmp
cd /tmp || exit
rm -rf /tmp/"$1"*
curl -sO"$1".tar.gz &&
sudo -u "$name" tar -xvf "$1".tar.gz &>/dev/null &&
cd "$1" &&
sudo -u $name makepkg --noconfirm -si &>/dev/null
cd /tmp) ;}
sudo -u "$name" makepkg --noconfirm -si &>/dev/null
cd /tmp || return) ;}
finalize(){ \
dialog --infobox "Preparing welcome message..." 4 50
echo "exec_always --no-startup-id notify-send -i ~/.scripts/pix/larbs.png '<b>Welcome to LARBS:</b> Press Super+F1 for the manual.' -t 10000" >> /home/$name/.config/i3/config
echo "exec_always --no-startup-id notify-send -i ~/.scripts/pix/larbs.png '<b>Welcome to LARBS:</b> Press Super+F1 for the manual.' -t 10000" >> "/home/$name/.config/i3/config"
dialog --title "All done!" --msgbox "Congrats! Provided there were no hidden errors, the script completed successfully and all the programs and configuration files should be in place.\\n\\nTo run the new graphical environment, log out and log back in as your new user, then run the command \"startx\" to start the graphical environment.\\n\\n-Luke" 12 80
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