pacman -S --noconfirm --needed dialog ||(echo"Error at script start: Are you sure you're running this as the root user? Are you sure you're using an Arch-based distro? ;-) Are you sure you have an internet connection?"&&exit)
dialog --title "Welcome!" --msgbox "Welcome to Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Script!\n\nThis script will automatically install a fully-featured i3wm Arch Linux desktop, which I use as my main machine.\n\n-Luke"1060
cmd=(dialog --separate-output --nocancel --buildlist "Press <SPACE> to select the packages you want to install. LARBS will install all the packages you put in the right column.
dialog --title "Let's get this party started!" --msgbox "The rest of the installation will now be totally automated, so you can sit back and relax.\n\nIt will take some time, but when done, you can relax even more with your complete system.\n\nNow just press <OK> and the system will begin installation!"1360||(clear &&exit)
dialog --title "LARBS Installation" --infobox "Downloading and installing program $n out of $count: $x...\n\nThe first programs will take more time due to dependencies. You can watch the output on tty6."870
dialog --title "All done!" --msgbox "Congrats! Provided there were no hidden errors, the script completed successfully and all the programs and configuration files should be in place.\n\nTo run the new graphical environment, log out and log back in as your new user, then run the command \"startx\" to start the graphical environment.\n\n-Luke"1280